

爱德华DesPlas began his tenure at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 as Vice President for Administrative Services in March of 2016. 他于2017年8月晋升为执行副总裁.

在接受太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的职位之前, DesPlas served as the Executive Vice Chancellor of 业务 Affairs for the Dallas County 社区 College District, 这个职位他做了九年. 他负责财务和会计, 预算, 人力资源, 内部审计, 信息技术, 设施, 风险管理, 保险管理, 采购, 金融援助, 教育资源及支援服务, 及辅助企业.

除了, DesPlas曾担任南卫理公会大学的兼职教授, teaching higher education finance in the 教育 Policy and 领导 program. He has spent his entire career working in community colleges and has experience in urban, 郊区和农村环境.

DesPlas earned his Bachelor’s degree in 业务 Administration and Accounting from the University of Texas in Dallas. He obtained his Master of Science in 人力资源 and 培训 from Amberton University. He received the 2014 Distinguished 业务办公室r Award from the National Association of College and University 业务办公室rs and the 2002 International Outstanding Chief 业务办公室r Award from the 社区 College 业务办公室rs organization.


Boomer 阿普曼,学生服务副总裁

Dr. 潮女. 阿普曼 joined 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 as the 负责学生服务的副主席 in July, of 2018. 在这个位置, he is responsible for leadership and guidance of Student Services to include strategic enrollment management, 学生支持中心, 金融援助, 建议, 咨询, 测试, 残疾人服务, 学生发展及领导能力, 学生宿舍.

在接受太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的职位之前, 曾任华东大学教务处处长, 俄克拉何马州, 整整六年. 在他近20年的高等教育生涯中, 他还曾担任教职员工, 教务长, 以及负责学生发展的助理副校长.

His experience brings a wide breadth of knowledge in strategic enrollment management, 学生事务, 病例管理, 住房, 以及居住生活.

Dr. 阿普曼 holds an associate degree in 业务 Administration from Northern 俄克拉何马州 College, a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from 俄克拉何马州 State University, and a master’s degree in 成人教育 from the University of Central 俄克拉何马州. Dr. 阿普曼 earned his doctoral degree in Higher 教育 from 俄克拉何马州 State University.


Dr. 丽莎·佩雷斯,圣胡安学习学院临时副校长

Dr. 丽莎·佩雷斯 被任命为负责学习的临时副校长. Dr. 佩雷斯在高等教育领域工作了33年,于2017年退休. She has agreed to serve 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 for six months while a 搜索 is conducted for the Vice President for Learning. 

Dr. Perez has a doctorate in Higher 教育 领导 from Nova Southeastern University, a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University in TESOL and Foreign Languages and a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from Muhlenberg College, 拥有西班牙语双学位 & 文学与心理学. 2017年,博士. Perez retired from South University in Tampa, Florida as the Dean of Academic Affairs and Operations. 在院长职位之前, she served as the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Helms College in Augusta, 乔治亚州. Dr. Perez was the Vice President for 学者 and Student Services 教务处主任 at Warren County 社区 College, 在华盛顿, 新泽西.

在她的职业生涯中. 佩雷斯教过西班牙语, 英语作为第二语言, 阅读, 写作, 心理学与新生研讨会. 她还曾担任专业学院院长 & 继续研究, 学术指导主任, 教务处副院长, 教务处主任.


凯莉·兰戈尼·卡朋特 人力资源和法律活动副总裁

凯莉·兰戈尼·卡朋特 began her tenure at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 as Senior Director of 人力资源 in January of 2016.  她于2017年晋升为助理副总裁, 并于2021年担任人力资源和法律活动副总裁.  Langoni Carpenter has also served as an adjunct professor for 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, 教授人力资源管理和商法.  在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, 她监督学院的所有人力资源部门, 管理学院的法律事务, 并监督学生职业和就业中心.  

在接受太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的职位之前, Langoni Carpenter worked for the Montana School Boards Association with school boards across the state of Montana performing executive 搜索es, 进行调查, 培训委员会最佳做法, 并协助学区进行集体谈判.  在法学院的时候, Langoni Carpenter completed an externship with the University of Montana general counsel’s office. 

兰戈尼·卡彭特来自杜兰戈, 科罗拉多州, 并获得了路易斯堡学院的文学学士学位, 以及蒙大拿大学的法学博士学位. 


Dr. 雷耶斯副总裁的劳动力和经济发展SJC

Dr. 雷耶斯 于2016年加入太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站. 他负责小企业发展中心, 大创意, 企业中心, 继续教育, 和赠款. 在加入SJC之前,博士. 雷耶斯 was the Chief Executive Officer for Workforce Solutions Upper Rio Grande and was an adjunct faculty member at the University of 新墨西哥 and El Paso 社区 College.

Dr. 雷耶斯广泛参与经济发展, 包括参与四角经济发展. 他与市、县和部落机构密切合作. He has formed partnerships with the Navajo Nation Department of Self Reliance and the Ute Tribe, both of which have brought new students to the 劳动力发展中心 (CWD). He carefully tracks the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding, 确保项目资格. Dr. 雷耶斯 has developed a business model for the Quality Center for 业务 (QCB), 和小企业发展中心(SBDC). Both 企业中心 and the QCB were instrumental in helping businesses receive federal funding through the COVID pandemic, 保存工作.

Dr. 雷耶斯在埃尔帕索社区学院获得文学副学士学位. He earned a Bachelor of Arts and 业务 Administration from the University of Texas El Paso. He received his Master of Arts in 教育 from Sul Ross State University and Doctor of Philosophy in 教育al Administration from 新墨西哥 State University.



尤兰达Benally originally began her professional career at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 in 2008 where she served as an advisor for the TRIO 教育al Talent 搜索 program before being promoted to Director. 在短暂的搬迁之后, she returned in 2019 as an advisor and director for the TRIO 学生支持 Services and STEM-H programs in addition to teaching an FYEX course. She has worked much of her career with federal grants; TRIO and GEAR UP programs.  Ms. Benally在基金撰写和管理方面有着宝贵的经验, 预算管理, 社区资源网络, 以及学生咨询和发展. 此后,她被提升为教务长.  

Ms. Benally earned a Masters of Criminal Justice and a Masters of Public Administration as well as baccalaureate degrees in criminal justice and government from 新墨西哥 State University. Additionally, she holds an Alternative Licensure Program Certificate from 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站.   

除了 to overseeing the issues and processes related to SJC’s Student Code of Conduct, 她是印第安人中心的主管, 海伦西亚拉丁中心, 住房 & Residential Life, and the support grants housed in Student Services: TRIO 学生支持 Services & SSS STEM-H, TRIO 教育al Opportunity Center, TRIO Upward Bound, and NASNTI Native S.O.A.R.